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Rabbi Jachter's Audio Shiurim

The Timing of this Year's Burning and Selling Hametz

Women's Teshuva: Yalkut Yosef on a Ba'al Teshuva Living at their Non-Observant Parent's House on Pesah

What Components of Birkat Hamazon are From the Torah?

Women's Teshuva: Until When Can You Recite a Bracha Aharona?

When are Humrot (Stringencies) Recommended and When is it Better to Refrain?

Women's Teshuva: Accumulating and Not Depleting Zechut Avot

The Astonishing Opinion of Rashbi and his Son Regarding Rodef

Women's Teshuva:Do Mothers Recite a Bracha When their Child Becomes Bar or Bat Mitzva?

One Should Not Board an Airplane on Yom Tov Sheini!

Women's Teshuva: Nochri Doctors in the Current Environment

Why We Sit for Havdala at Shaarei Orah

Women's Teshuva: Are Sephardic Women Obligated to Hear Havdala

Applications of Rabi Akiva's Principle Kelutah K'mi Shehunecha to American Football and Soccer

Women's Teshuva: Moshe Rabbeinu’s Fascinating Humash Editing of Parashat HaMan

A Characteristic Psak from Rav Elazar Meyer Teitz, z'tl, Regarding Studying Masechet Ohalot on Tisha B'Av

Womens Teshuva:Two Remarkable Stories about Rav Elazar Meyer Teitz z'tl

Hashem Gives Am Yisrael More Attention

Women's Teshuva: The Beauty of Sara Imeinu

The Self-Confidence of Gedolim

Women's Teshuva: Holding Candles While Walking Children to the Huppah

Special Halachot Regarding a Bracha on Wine

Women's Teshuva: When to Recite HaTov VeHameitiv on Wine

Carrying a Smartphone on Shabbat During Wartime

Women's Teshuva: Reciting a Shehehiyanu When a Girl is Born

Printing Presses in Italy - Yad Hashem to Unify Our People!

Women's Teshuva: Does Breaking Water Render Tumah?

Real Life Experience is Necessary to Issue Proper Halachic Rulings

Women's Teshuva: Where Should Yeshiva Students Light Ner Hanuka?

The Perils of Last Minute Death Bed Gifts

Women's Teshuva - Planning for Divorce before Marriage?

Should We Say Vayechulu With at Least Two People?

Women's Teshuva: Coffee Prepared by a Non-Jew on Shabbat

One Who Prays Mussaf of Shabbat Instead of Rosh Hodesh

Women's Teshuva: Sometimes the Choice is Between Bad and Worse

May One Publicize his Donating of a Kidney?

Women's Teshuva - A Clever Strategy for Opening Food Packets on Shabbat

May a Jewish Doctor Participate in Notzri Last Rights?

Women's Teshuva: Time to Give up Fantasy Football!

When to Recite a Bracha on Dessert

Women's Teshuva: The Bracha on Pizza for Sephardim

Taking a Cruise Where Jews will Operate the Ship on Shabbat

Women's Teshuva: Mashiach's Multi-Colored Donkey!

Drawing Halachic Conclusions from Archaeological Evidence

Women's Teshuva: Difficult to Understand Aggadot

Interesting Minhagim for Hodesh Elul

Women's Teshuva: Eloka D'Meir Anenu

Leading by Example: Great Story From a Recent Daf Yomi

Women's Teshuva: Why Sephardic Jews Don't Place Ashes on the Chatan's Head at a Wedding

Tearing Keriyah Upon Seeing Arab Controlled Bet Lehem

Women's Teshuva: Laundering During Shavu'a Shehal bo Tisha B’Av to Wear After Tisha B’Av

October 7th Kinnah with Footnotes

Women's Teshuva: Until When Can We Recite Birkat Hamazon, Asher Yatzar and the Bracha on Thunder

Disabled Using Special Motorized Scooters on Shabbat

Women's Teshuva: Lemons Cut with a Meat Knife on a Dairy Plate

Rare American Eruvin that Satisfy the Rambam - Lido Beach and Atlantic Beach

Women's Teshuva: Sephardim and the Bracha of Malbish Arumim

Are Two Men Needed to Say Vayechulu on Friday Night?

Women's Teshuva: Women's Teshuva What Materials Require Tevilat Keylim?

Why Does Bava Batra 11a Describe a Mishnaic Teaching as Something Hashem Said?

WomensTeshuva: Reflections on Couples not Even Hugging During Niddah Time

Justifying the Ashkenazic Minhag Not to Wear a Tallit Until Marriage

Women's Teshuva: Health Care Proxies, DNR and DNI Orders

Saying the Sephardic Kaddish in an Ashkenazic Bet Kenesset

Women's Teshuva - Can We be Yotzei with a Reconstructionist Kiddush?

Is a Child Allowed to Carry in an Eruv for Adults who Do Not Rely on it?

Women's Teshuva: Keeping Halacha Straightforward and Clear

The Chumash Leaves the Gemara to Present the Full Picture

Women's Teshuva: Do We Wait 6 hours After Eating Semi-Sharp Cheese before Eating Meat?

Continued Discussion on Thirty Non-Kosher Schnitzel Mixed with Sixty Kosher Schnitzel

Women's Teshuva: Thirty Non-Kosher Schnitzel Mixed with Sixty Kosher Schnitzel

Reinforcing the Prohibition Against Marijuana Use Based on Opinions of Orthodox Health Practitioners

Women's Teshuva - May One ask a Non-Jew to Reactivate a Faucet Shut by Sensor on Shabbat

An Example of Rav Raphael Ankawa's Masterful Resolution of Monetary Disputes

Women's Teshuva: A Sephardic Approach to the Temperature of Yad Soledet Bo

Kohanim Visiting Hospitals

Women's Teshuva: Asking a Non-Jew to Drive Home a Hospital Patient

How Much Matza Must We Eat?

Women's Teshuva: Raw and Unprocessed Meat, Poultry, and Fish that are not Certified for Pesah

Reflections on the Passing of Senator Joseph Lieberman

Women's Teshuva: Smoothie from Fresh Raspberries

It is Essential to Join the May 15th NORPAC Mission to DC

Women's Teshuva: Brown Eggs with Brown Spots

Should a Hatan and Kallah Fast on Taanit Esther within their week of Sheva Berachot?

Women's Teshuva: Opening a Special Ice Pack for a Post-Partum Mother

Why Nissim Douek's Hamin/Cholent Tasted Especially Good on Shabbat Parashat Vayakhel.

Women's Teshuva: Informing Someone that they are Dating a Get Refuser

A Pregnant Wife of a Kohen Visiting a Hospital

Women's Teshuva: Why Women are Obligated to Recite Birchot Hatorah

Remembering that you Forgot to Pray Minha while Praying Arvit

Women's Teshuva - Don't Observe a Humra if it will Lead to Hurt Feelings

An Updated Review of Current Status of Yayin Mevushal

Women's Teshuva: Sephardic Approach to Tevilat Keilim in the Snow

Elevator vs. Stairway in a Hotel on Shabbat

Women's Teshuva: Tevilat Kelim on Can Openers and Nutcrackers

Summarizing the Controversy Surrounding Brain Stem Death

Women's Teshuva: Why it is Essential to Appoint a Health Care Proxy

Jet Skiing and Jetting on a Friday

Women's Teshuva: Responding on Friday to a Note from a Child's Army Commander in Gaza.

Brachot on Pleasant Smells

Women's Teshuva: Bracha on Tasting Food plus on Which Fruit do we Recite Ha'etz

Asking a Non-Jew to Use an Electric Card Key on Shabbat

Women's Teshuva: Interrupting Amida to Respond to an Elderly Parent's Call

Children's Medicine with Good Tasting Non-Kosher Ingredients

Women's Teshuva: Brachot on Medicine

Does Bishul Akum Apply to Sake?

Women's Teshuva: A Revised Ruling Regarding Flour Needed to Recite Bracha on Hafrashat Halla

Children Administrating Medical Care for Parents

Women's Teshuva: Making a Sign Between those Eating Meat and those Eating Dairy

The YU Student Who Used a Plastic Hanukiya

Women's Teshuva: Peeled Eggs, Onions and Garlic

Why it is Essential to be Joyous on this Hanuka

Women's Teshuva: When to Inspect for Shatnez

May Sephardim Eat Glatt Kosher Meat Not Labeled Halak Bet Yosef

Women's Teshuva: Reaffirming the Acceptability of Triple Washed Produce

Is it Required to Order the Special Kosher Meal when Flying El Al

Women's Teshuva: An Unbelievable Medical Halacha Miracle

May Kohanim Visit Kivrei Tzadikim

Women's Teshuva - A Dairy Spoon Run in a Dishwasher Full of Meat Utensils

Leaving the Mezuzot when Moving

Women's Teshuva - Sephardim May Use a Sous-Vide to Consecutively Cook Milk and Meat (and Ashkenazim May Eat It)

Guidance for Hadash Yashan Observance

The Importance of Separating Tzitzit Strings

Women's Teshuva - Why Men are Typically the ones Making Mistakes with Milk and Meat

Should Sephardic Men Make an Effort to Wear Woolen Tzitzit?

Women's Teshuva - Are the Haftarot Set in Stone?

Justifying Sephardim Performing Kapparot Despite the Shulhan Aruch's Strong Objection

Women's Teshuva - Family Matters on Yom Kippour

When it's Proper to Study Kabala

Women's Teshuva - Paying Group Leaders for Working on Shabbat and Yom Tov.

How We Know that Torah SheBe'al Peh is Authentic

Women's Teshuva - Why Calling In-Law Parents by their First Names is a Horrible Idea

Zecher and Zeicher - why Sepharadim Should Not follow the Ashkenazic Practice

Women's Teshuva - What are Sephardic Women Obligated to Pray

Why we at Shaarei Orah extend an Aliya to a man who is not yet Shomer Shabbat

Women's Teshuva - A Child Reciting Birkat HaGomel

Is Long Hair a Chatzitza for Tefillin?

Women's Teshuva - The Case of the Lost Chicken!

Precision in Torah Reading

Women's Teshuva - Hashem Expects and Rewards us for Maximum Effort

A Mezuza Controversy in Camp Morasha in the Early 1980's

Women's Teshuva - When to Muster the Courage to be Different

Rabbi Jacht'er's Shiur on Hilchot Avelut - Tisha B'Av 2023

What We May and May Not Learn on Tisha B'Av

Women's Teshuva - Nursing Women this Year on Tisha B’Av

The Size of a Kippah

Womens Teshuva - Must a New Convert do Tevilat Keylim on Utensils after Conversion

A Possible Breakthrough Regarding the Bracha on Crispix

Women's Teshuva - Paying Cash to Avoid Tax Payment

Praying With a Smartphone

Women's Teshuva - The Power of a Jewish Woman's Influence and Vision

Should We Say the Bracha on Thunder with Shem Umalchut

Women's Teshuva - Forgetting to Separate Halla on Dough with 3 pounds of Flour

Men Always Wearing Tzitzit

Women's Teshuva - Women Reciting Birkat HaGomel

Omitting the Hazara at Minha if Only Ten Men are Present

Women's Teshuv - Are Women Obligated to say Pesukei D'zimra

Rav Ovadia’s Forceful Condemnation of Mixed Gender Swimming and Beaches

Women's Teshuva - Sephardic Women Must Wash Mayim Aharonim

Is it Permissible to Apply Perfume or Cologne on Shabbat or Yom Tov?

Womens Teshuva - Should Women Light Candles Before Yom Tov Begins?

When to Begin Reciting Kaddish for an Azkara

Women's Teshuva - Pat Akum Observance for Sephardim

Bringing a Weapon into a Bet Knesset

Women's Teshuva - The Debate on Saying V'al Ziknehem in the Bracha of Al Hatzadikim

Writing B'H on Ordinary Documents

Women's Teshuva - Standing for a Learned Woman or a Woman Over Seventy

Update on Tevilat Keylim for Electric Devices

Women's Teshuva - Does a Kallah Recite Shehiyanu the First Time Lighting Candles and the First Time at Mikveh?

Recorded Music Between Pesah and Lag B'Omer

Women's Teshuva: Familiar Products Not Certified Kosher in Europe and Beer Not Certified Kosher

Using Machine Matza Shemura Given High Prices of Hand Shemura

Women's Teshuva - Two Pesah Questions: Lactaid on Pesah and Feeding Rice to Small Children of a Moroccan Couple

The Special Haftara for Shabbat HaGadol

Women's Teshuva - How to Kosher a Frying Pan for Pesah

Why it Matters How Much or Little Carried in an Eruv

Women's Teshuva - Making Coffee on Shabbat

Ashkenazic and Sephardic Approaches to Paying the Rav for Mechirat Hametz

Women's Teshuva - Why Five Hours Should Suffice to Prepare Your Home for Pesah

The Halachic Propriety of Selling Organs Such as a Kidney

Women's Teshuva - A Newlywed Couple's First Kashrut Mistake

Questionable Soy Sauce Leftovers Placed in a Dishwashers

Women's Teshuva - Inviting Conversion Candidates for a Yom Tov Meal

Shabbat vs. Tefillin:Resolving a Dilemma Regarding a Semi-Observant Jew

Women's Teshuva - The Six Constant Mitzvot

A Beautiful Explanation for the Way Sephardic Jews Recite Tehillim Mizmor 136 Shabbat Morning

Women's Teshuva - Recharging Hearing Aid Battery on Shabbat and Yom Tov

Chillul Shabbat for Israel Public Relations

Women's Teshuva - Peeled Onions, Garlic, and Eggs Left Overnight

Practices for Tzitzit and Tefillin During Tefila

Women's Teshuva - Using a Phone on Shabbat During a Severe Panic Attack

A Meat Spoon Found in the Milk Silverware Drawer

Women's Teshuva - Clementines Labeled as Moroccan but Checked Out as lsraeli

Dusting off a Suit or a Hat on Shabbat

Women's Teshuva - Resolving Dilemmas Regarding a Bracha Levatala:Differences Between Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews

Drying Meat and Fruit in the Same Food Dehydrator

Women's Teshuva - Do Fake Cheese and Fake Meat Create a Problem of Marit Ayin

The Oleh's Bracha Prior to Rolling the Torah - Contrasting Sephardic and Ashkenazic Approaches

Women's Teshuva - Sephardic Approach to Residents of Chutz La'Aretz visiting Eretz Yisrael on Yom Tov Sheini

The Current Halachic Debate Surrounding Lab Grown Meat

Women's Teshuva - Using an Air Fryer for Meat and Milk

Adding Pasuk Mizmor Shir Hanukkah Habayit l'David on Hanukkah - Debate Between Minhag Yerushalayim and Moroccan Minhag.

Women's Teshuva - Sous Vide for Both Milk and Meat

Hanuka Lighting Instructions for Sephardic Yeshiva or University Students Away From Home

Women's Teshuva - Custom of Women Refraining from Work Thirty Minutes after Lighting Nerot Hanuka

Defending the Shaarei Orah Practice of Gifting a Siddur to a Bar or Bat Mitzva on Shabbat

Women's Teshuva - Why Many Sephardic Communities Have the Custom to Laugh During Havdala

Storing the Sefer Haftarot in the Aron Kodesh

Women's Teshuva - Shabbat Times, Wife Follows Rabbeinu Tam and Husband Does Not

When Does the Torah Prohibit Demanding Payment of a Loan

Women's Teshuva - Rav Shmuel Khoshkerman Summary of Rulings from Visit to Shaarei Orah

Shaarei Orah Practice of Responding Amen to Each Section of the Tefila for Tzahal

Women's Teshuva - Meaning of Eating Covered Foods on Shabbat such as Kibbeh, Sambousek, Cigars

Travelers to Israel: Recitation of Baruch Alenu

Women's Teshuva - If a Woman is Uncertain That She Recited Birkat Hamazon

Barech AlenuV'Ten Tal UMatar Livracha after Shemini Atzeret but Before 7 MarHeshvan (Israel) December 4 (Chutz LaAretz)

Women's Teshuva - Dairy French Toast from Leftover Challah Special Sephardic Angle

Wearing a Tallit on the Night of Kippour

Women's Teshuva - Justifying Shaarei Orah Reciting Kol Nidrei at Night

Hol Hamoed Trips to a Place Where There is No Sukah

Women's Teshuva - The Great Debate Surrounding the Recitation of Shehehiyanu when Lighting Yom Tov Candles

Cutting Down Fruit Tree Branches for use in Sukkah

Sukkah Built by a Woman

Generating Extra Berachot for the Purpose of a Mitzva

Women's Teshuva - Are Women Obligated to Recite 100 Berachot Each Day?

Even Sephardic Jews Should Not Ride a Bicycle on Shabbat!

Women's Teshuva - A Meat Boureka Mixed with Neutral/Pareve Bourekas

When to Recite Pirkei Avot? The Wide Variety of Minhagim

Women's Teshuva - Are Sephardic Women Permitted to Pray Musaf? Rav Ovadia's Changing Opinions

Removing a Parochet if it Makes the Aron Kodesh Hechal More Beautiful

Women's Teshuva - Taping and Opening a Baby’s Diaper on Shabbat

The Case of the Dropped Slurpees

Women's Teshuva - Using Sprays on Shabbat

Kohen Who Can't Fast for Health Reasons But Did Not Drink Alcohol - Can He Do Birkat Kohanim

Women's Teshuva - Eating Leftover Meat from Shabbat During the Nine Days

Unclogging A Pipe on Shabbat

Women's Teshuva - Playing Professional Baseball on Shabbat

Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky on Length of Pe'ot HaRosh

Women's Teshuva - The Power of Positive Self Affirmation and Bitahon in Hashem

A Dramatic Lesson on Employees Giving Their All for their Employers

Are Nursing Women Obligated to Fast on a Postponed Tisha B'av (like this year)

Omitting the Hazara - The Practice at the Philadelphia Yeshiva and Why Rav Ovadia Yosef Disagrees

Women's Teshuva - Special Middot tovot of Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky

Preparing Salad on Shabbat and Yom Tov

Women's Teshuva - Tapping to Music on Shabbat and Yom Tov

Ashkenazic and Sephardic Cooking - Meat and Dairy Questions

Women's Teshuva Turning Music on Shabbat and Yom Tov for a Woman in Labor

Rav Ovadia's Opinion on One or Two Days of Yom Tov - Person Who is in Eretz Yisrael for the Three Regalim

Women's Teshuva - The Proper Time for Yom Tov Candlelighting

Two Provocative Lifnei Iveir Questions

Women's Teshuva - Two Stories - Rav Soloveitchik on Special Clothes for Shabbat

Taking a COVID Vaccine on a Friday

Women's Teshuva - Correct Peyot

Disobeying Orders in Tzahal

Diapers on Shabbat

She’elot U'Teshuvot Mi-Ma‘amakim - Eligibility of a Kohen for Birkat Kohanim After Vocal Chords Damaged by Nazi Torture

She’elot U'Teshuvot Mi-Ma‘amakim - A Man Whose Teeth Were Shattered by the Evil Nazis, Eating Matza at his Seder

Ophthalmologist Reporting a Visually Impaired Patient

Women's Teshuva - Selling the Hametz on Behalf of a Non-Observant Jew

Ashkenazi Eating at the Home of Sephardic Jews on Pesah

Women's Teshuva - The Special Postpartum Halacha Regarding Taharat Hamishpaha

Serving as a Plumber for a Makom Avoda Zara

Women's Teshuva - Three Basic Rules to Help Keep Pesah Preparation Reasonable

Reciting a Bracha on the Megillah When Reading for Sephardic Women

Sephardic Practices Regarding Standing or Sitting for Brachot Before Megila

Women's Teshuva - Ask Halachic Authority before Assuming Something is Forbidden

Eating at Israeli Homes that rely on Rabbanut Regilah Kashrut Supervision

Women's Teshuva - Koshering Liver

Teaching the First Dafim of the Second Perek of Masechet Hagiga to a Wide Audience - is it Permitted

Women's Teshuva - Bracha on Megila

Women's Teshuva_Tearing Keriah at Har HaBayit

Why the Shulchan Aruch Has Such Authority in Sephardic Communities

A Sephardic Young Man Who Wants to Wear the New Techelet

New - Women's Sephardic Teshuva of the Week, Dairy Ceramic in a Meat Dishwasher

Reading Kriat Shema During Korbanot Without Tefillin

Minhagim Regarding Calling Men to the Torah - With or Without Names

Brachot Rishona and Acharona on Whole Grain Granola and Puffed Cereals such as Sugar Crisp and Shalva

Responding to a Shaarei Orah Congregant's Question about Uncovered Wine

May a Sephardic or Ashkenazic Jew ask a Yemenite Jew to Reheat Soup on Shabbat Day

Fascinating Story from Rav Schachter about Rav Soloveitchik's Reaction to a Controversial Ruling from Rav Moshe Feinstein

Torah Reflections on the Premature Death of Demaryius Thomas

The Case of the Dropped Slurpee

Why Do Sephardic Jews Recite a Bracha on Lighting Nerot Hanuka in the Beit K'neset

How Long Must Nerot Hanuka Burn Each Night

Monetary Dispute, Company Sold Blood Donated by Patients Who Recovered from Covid19

Are Men Permitted to Take a Haircut in the Afternoon and Evening

Is Double-Knotting Child's Shoelaces on Shabbat Allowed

Setting a 3D Printer on Erev Shabbat to Run Through Shabbat

Incorporating Non-Jewish Tunes In Our Tefila

Using Israel’s Electricity Produced in Violation of Shabbat

Na'anu'im Refresher Course

Shaarei Orah Minhag to Recite Birkat Halevana on Motzaei Kippour

Ring Security Cameras and Shabbat

Entering Stairwells with Light Sensors on Shabbat

Shofar for People with Hearing Aids

Smart Homes and Shabbat - English

A Practical Primer on the Mitzvah of Halitza - English

Women Reciting Havdala for Their Husbands this Motzei Shabbat - English

Mourning the Destruction of the Bet Hamikdash at Weddings - Hebrew

Why Sephardic and Hassidic Jews Say L'Shem Yichud and Non Hassidic Ashkenazi Jews Do Not - English

Why Sephardic and Hassidic Jews Say L'Shem Yichud and Non Hassidic Ashkenazi Jews Do Not - Hebrew

OU Handling of Kashrut During Pandemic - English

Submitting Work to a Non-Observant Employee an Hour Before Shabbat - English

Submitting Work to a Non-Observant Employee an Hour Before Shabbat - Hebrew

An Evaluation of Rav Ovadia's Approach to Gelatin from Anonymous Kosher Source - English

An Evaluation of Rav Ovadia's Approach to Gelatin from Anonymous Kosher Source - Hebrew

The Special Otzar Bet Din for the Shemitta Year - English

The Special Otzar Bet Din for the Shemitta Year - Hebrew

Eating at Other People's Homes During the Shemitta Year - English

Eating at Other People's Homes During the Shemitta Year - Hebrew

Flowers in the Bet Keneset on Shavuot - English

Flowers in the Bet Keneset on Shavuot - Hebrew

May a Sephardic Jew Rely on the Heter Mechira - English

May a Sephardic Jew Rely on the Heter Mechira - Hebrew

When to Follow and When to Not Follow Parental Directives Regarding Marriage - English

When to Follow and When to Not Follow Parental Directives Regarding Marriage - Hebrew

A Couple Beginning to Become Religious - What to Undertake First, Shabbat or Taharat Hamishpaha - English

A Couple Beginning to Become Religious - What to Undertake First, Shabbat or Taharat Hamishpaha - Hebrew

When to Correct the Baal Korei - English

When to Correct the Baal Korei - Hebrew

May We Use Grape Juice for the Arba Kosot - English

May We Use Grape Juice for the Arba Kosot - Hebrew

Forgetting Haseba During the Seder - English

Forgetting Haseba During the Seder - Hebrew

Prohibition of Eating Matza on Erev Pesah and Additional Information When it Falls on Shabbat - English

Prohibition of Eating Matza on Erev Pesah and Additional Information When it Falls on Shabbat - Hebrew

The Earliest Time to Begin the Seder - English

The Earliest Time to Begin the Seder - Hebrew

Brachot on Megilla When Reading for Women_Sephardic and Ashkenazic Practice - English

Brachot on Megilla When Reading for Women_Sephardic and Ashkenazic practice - Hebrew

Benefitting from Melacha by Mistake on Shabbat - Sephardic Perspective - English

Benefitting from Melacha by Mistake on Shabbat - Sephardic Perspective - Hebrew

One Who Takes a Long Time to Recite the Silent Shemonah Esrei - English

One Who Takes a Long Time to Recite the Silent Shemonah Esrei - Hebrew

Non Jew Recording Friday Night Shabbat Meal - English

Non Jew Recording Friday Night Shabbat Meal - Hebrew

Timing of Minha, Arvit and Keriat Shema - English

Timing of Minha, Arvit and Keriat Shema - Hebrew

Women Reciting Borei Meorei Ha'esh at Havdala - English

Women Reciting Borei Meorei Ha'esh at Havdala - Hebrew

Glass Utensils Made in a Glassblowing Store and Tevilat Kelim - English

Glass Utensils Made in a Glassblowing Store and Tevilat Kelim - Hebrew

Placing Water in Urn on Erev Shabbat During a Blackout to Boil on Shabbat - English

Placing Water in Urn on Erev Shabbat During a Blackout to Boil on Shabbat - Hebrew

Food Cooked Before Shabbat Brought to Soldiers in Violation of Shabbat - English

Food Cooked Before Shabbat Brought to Soldiers in Violation of Shabbat - Hebrew

Making a Video Recording on Shabbat Authorizing Emergency Plumbing Work -English

Making a Video Recording on Shabbat Authorizing Emergency Plumbing Work -Hebrew

The Delayed Hanuka Lights - English

The Delayed Hanuka Lights - Hebrew

Minha Before Hanuka Lights - English

Minha Before Hanuka Lights - Hebrew

Al HaNissim or Kedusha - English

Al HaNissim or Kedusha - Hebrew

Drinking The Wine at a Brit Mila, Before or After Naming - English

Drinking The Wine at a Brit Mila, Before or After Naming - Hebrew

Is Dairy Permitted if Not Sure that Six Hours Have Passed - English

Is Dairy Permitted if Not Sure that Six Hours Have Passed - Hebrew

Safek If One Said Retzeh on Shabbat - Rav Ovadia Takes on the Mishna Berura - English

Safek If One Said Retzeh on Shabbat - Rav Ovadia Takes on the Mishna Berura - Hebrew

The Latest Time for Minha - English

The Latest Time for Minha - Hebrew

The Oleh Must Read Along with the Baal Koreh - English

The Oleh Must Read Along with the Baal Koreh - Hebrew

Serving as a Sandak More than Once - English

Serving as a Sandak More than Once - Hebrew

Use of Chemical Heating Bags on Shabbat - English

Use of Chemical Heating Bags on Shabbat - Hebrew

A Sephardic Jew who Forgot Ya'aleh Veyavo in Birkat Hamazon on Yom Tov - English

A Sephardic Jew who Forgot Ya'aleh Veyavo in Birkat Hamazon on Yom Tov - Hebrew

Which Comes First, Leshev Ba'Suka or Hamotzi - English

Which Comes First, Leshev Ba'Suka or Hamotzi - Hebrew

The Special Requirement for Ner Sheshavat for Motzei Kippour - English

The Special Requirement for Ner Sheshavat for Motzei Kippour - Hebrew

Quietly Saying the Hazara along with the Hazan - English

Quietly Saying the Hazara along with the Hazan - Hebrew

Blowing Shofar in the Silent Amida - English

Blowing Shofar in the Silent Amida - Hebrew

Paying Hazanim for their Work on the Yamim Nora'im - English

Paying Hazanim for their Work on the Yamim Nora'im - Hebrew

Security Cameras and Shabbat - English

Security Cameras and Shabbat - Hebrew

Inspecting Tefilin and Mezuzot in Elul - English

Inspecting Tefilin and Mezuzot in Elul - Hebrew

May We Recite the 13 Middot Without a Minyan - English

May We Recite the 13 Middot Without a Minyan - Hebrew

Selihot before Minha - English

Selihot before Minha - Hebrew

Must One Who is Permitted to Eat on Tisha B'Av Limit Eating to Shiurim, Tiny Amounts - English

Must One Who is Permitted to Eat on Tisha B'Av Limit Eating to Shiurim, Tiny Amounts - Hebrew

Refraining From Eating Meat in the 9 Days - English

Refraining From Eating Meat in the 9 Days - Hebrew

Different Halachic practices in one Yeshiva or one Beit Knesset - English

Different Halachic practices in one Yeshiva or one Beit Knesset - Hebrew

Shehehiyanu from 17 Tamuz to 9 Av - English

Shehehiyanu from 17 Tamuz to 9 Av - Hebrew

Admitting a child from a not yet Shomer Shabbat family into the Yeshiva - English

Admitting a child from a not yet Shomer Shabbat family into the Yeshiva - Hebrew

Baby Wipes on Shabbat - English

Baby Wipes on Shabbat - Hebrew

May a Sephardic Jew Use Keilim an Ashkenazic Jew Immersed in a River - English

May a Sephardic Jew Use Keilim an Ashkenazic Jew Immersed in a River - Hebrew

Birchot HaTorah For Those Who Stayed Up All Night Shavuot - English

Birchot HaTorah For Those Who Stayed Up All Night Shavuot - Hebrew

Honoring an Older Sibling - English

Honoring an Older Sibling - Hebrew

Standards For Home Fruit and Vegetable Inspection For Insects - English

Standards For Home Fruit and Vegetable Inspection For Insects - Hebrew

Birkat HaGomel May Be Recited on Zoom - English

Birkat HaGomel May Be Recited On Zoom - Hebrew

Why Halacha Permits Ordering Hametz Online for Post-Pesah Delivery

When to Say Zecher L'Mikdash K'Hillel English

When to Say Zecher L'Mikdash K'Hillel Hebrew

Electricity on Yom Tov ENGLISH

Electricity on Yom Tov Hebrew

Omitting Tahanun on Yom HaAtzmaut and Yom YerushalayimENGLISH

Omitting Tahanun on Yom HaAtzmaut and Yom YerushalayimHEBREW

Must the listener read along to Parashat Zachor ENGLISH

Must the listener read along to Parashat Zachor HEBREW

Calculating the Value of the Zecher L'Mahatzit HaShekel for This Year - $5.50 per person ENGLISH

Calculating the Value of the Zecher L'Mahatzit HaShekel for This Year - $5.50 per personHEBREW

Brachot when reciting Megillah for Women ENGLISH

Brachot when reciting Megillah for Women HEBREW

A mixed group of Sephardic and Ashkenazic women lighting candles together - who recites the Bracha?-ENGLISH

A mixed group of Sephardic and Ashkenazic women lighting candles together - who recites the Bracha?- HEBREW

Adjusting the Time on a Non-Electronic Watch on Shabbat - ENGLISH

Adjusting the Time on a Non-Electronic Watch on Shabbat - HEBREW

An Avel Wearing Tefillin on the First Day of Avelut - ENGLISH

An Avel Wearing Tefillin on the First Day of Avelut - HEBREW

Are Women Obligated To Hear Parashat Zachor?

Ashkenazim Relying on Sephardic Approach to Glass on Pesah-ENGLISH

Ashkenazim Relying on Sephardic Approach to Glass on Pesah-HEBREW

Avoiding Swearing - ENGLISH

Avoiding Swearing - HEBREW

Bracha Ahat Meiein Sheva this Friday Night-ENGLISH

Bracha Ahat Meiein Sheva this Friday Night-HEBREW

Bracha on Kiddushin - ENGLISH

Bracha on Kiddushin - HEBREW

Bracha on Yom Tov Candle Lighting - ENGLISH

Bracha on Yom Tov Candle Lighting - HEBREW

Do We Mention the Hag in the Brachot of the Haftara of Shabbat Hol HaMoed - ENGLISH

Do We Mention the Hag in the Brachot of the Haftara of Shabbat Hol HaMoed - HEBREW

Eating Outside the Sukkah at Work - ENGLISH

Eating Outside the Sukkah at Work - HEBREW

Earliest Time to Pray Arvit Except Shabbat According to Sephardic Standards - ENGLISH

Earliest Time to Pray Arvit Except Shabbat According to Sephardic Standards - HEBREW

Earliest time for Tallit and Tefillin this week - ENGLISH

Earliest time for Tallit and Tefillin this week - HEBREW

Halachic Aspects of the Wedding of Steven and Shana Nunez - ENGLISH

Halachic Aspects of the Wedding of Steven and Shana Nunez - HEBREW

Halak Bet Yosef in Both Israel and the United States - ENGLISH

Halak Bet Yosef in Both Israel and the United States - HEBREW

How Much Egg Halla Must a Sephardic Jew Consume in Order to Recite Hamotzi and Birkat HaMazon - ENGLISH

How Much Egg Halla Must a Sephardic Jew Consume in Order to Recite Hamotzi and Birkat HaMazon - HEBREW

Megila Reading Over a Microphone-ENGLISH

Megila Reading Over a Microphone-HEBREW

Mezuzot Included in the Sale of a House - ENGLISH

Mezuzot Included in the Sale of a House - HEBREW

Moving a Smartphone on Shabbat - Completing Micro-Circuits on Shabbat - ENGLISH

Moving a Smartphone on Shabbat - Completing Micro-Circuits on Shabbat - HEBREW

Opening Bottle Caps on Shabbat

Opening Windows and Shades on Shabbat when there are plants in the house - a magnificent Teshuva from Rav Ovadia - ENGLISH

Opening Windows and Shades on Shabbat when there are plants in the house - a magnificent Teshuva from Rav Ovadia - HEBREW

Pregnant and Nursing Women Fasting on Tisha B'av this year - ENGLISH

Pregnant and Nursing Women Fasting on Tisha B'av - HEBREW

Rav Ovadia on Kol Isha - ENGLISH

Rav Ovadia on Kol Isha - HEBREW

Rav Ovadia on Listening to Doctor's Orders on Yom Kippur - ENGLISH

Rav Ovadia on Listening to Doctor's Orders on Yom Kippur - HEBREW

Respecting the Kedusha of the Beit Knesset-ENGLISH

Respecting the Kedusha of the Beit Knesset-HEBREW

Responding Amen to the Hazan's Recital of Shomer Amo Yisrael La'Aad - Rav Ovadia vs. Ben Ish Hai - ENGLISH

Responding Amen to the Hazan's Recital of Shomer Amo Yisrael La'Aad - Rav Ovadia vs. Ben Ish Hai - HEBREW

Response to Deir Yassin - ENGLISH

Response to Deir Yassin - HEBREW

Richard Schulz Careful Torah Reading - ENGLISH

Richard Schulz Careful Torah Reading - HEBREW

Sephardic Eruv Building Standards-ENGLISH

Sephardic Eruv Building Standards-HEBREW

Sephardic Jews Practicing Omer Avelut from Rosh Hodesh Iyar to 3 Sivan-ENGLISH

Sephardic Jews Practicing Omer Avelut from Rosh Hodesh Iyar to 3 Sivan-HEBREW

Sephardic Stance Regarding Techelet - ENGLISH

Sephardic Stance Regarding Techelet - HEBREW

Sephardic View on the Great UGGS Shaatnez Controversy

Shiur and Tefillah Without a Kippah - ENGLISH

Shiur and Tefillah Without a Kippah - HEBREW

Synagogue Conformity - Must Uniform Behavior be Practiced at a Sephardic Bet Kenesset? - ENGLISH

Synagogue Conformity - Must Uniform Behavior be Practiced at a Sephardic Bet Kenesset? - HEBREW

The Debated Addition of the word "UMtatzliah" to Sheva Brachot - ENGLISH

The Debated Addition of the word "UMtatzliah" to Sheva Brachot - HEBREW

The Important Mitzvah of Tosefet Shabbat and Yom Tov - ENGLISH

The Important Mitzva of Tosefet Shabbat and Yom Tov - HEBREW

Torah and Haftara reading this coming Shabbat - Shabbat Hanuka - ENGLISH

Torah and Haftara reading this coming Shabbat - Shabbat Hanuka - HEBREW

Tu B'Av and Shaarei Orah - ENGLISH

Tu B'Av and Shaarei Orah - HEBREW

When To End Shabbat - ENGLISH

When To End Shabbat - HEBREW

Which Nosah to pray for a mixed Minyan of Sepharadim, Ashkenazim and Temonim-ENGLISH

Which Nosah to pray for a mixed Minyan of Sepharadim, Ashkenazim and Temonim-HEBREW

Why We Skipped the Pre-Neilah Drasha This Year-ENGLISH

Why We Skipped the Pre-Neilah Drasha This Year - HEBREW

Women Reciting Hallel the Night of Pesah-ENGLISH

Women Reciting Hallel the Night of Pesah-HEBREW

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785